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5 types of corporate events: how to optimize their AV production

Corporate events are an essential part of business strategy. That explains why there are several types of corporate events that offer opportunities to interact with customers, improve your brand image and generate new business opportunities. 


Audiovisual technical production is another key element in the organization of any types of corporate events, whether it’s a conference, business meeting, trade fair, product launch or company party. Nonetheless, types of corporate events require a different approach when it comes to audiovisual production.



Want to know how to produce yours? Then read on, to find out how to optimize audiovisual technical productionoduction for a whole range of corporate events.


What are the different types of corporate events?


There are many types of corporate events, and each of them requires a different audiovisual focus and equipment


Remember, it’s important to consider the goals and the target public when planning and producing your event. We’ll list the types of corporate events and the technical aspects  you should pay most attention to for each of them. 


  • Conferences


The corporate event known as a conference is meant to disseminate information on a specific topic, from the fields of science, technology, education, or any other. They can be internal or external to the organizer, and usually feature speakers who are experts in the field being discussed.



At conferences, professional technology and audiovisual production are fundamental to ensure clear and effective communication of the main ideas.


Using such resources will help you hold the audience’s attention and convey a positive brand image. When planning your next conference, use this resource check-list to make sure you don’t leave anything out: 

Business meetings


Business meetings are types of corporate events whose purpose is to bring together employees, executives or other organization members to discuss and make important decisions on strategy, operations or projects.


Business meetings often require a special combination of audiovisual technology and furnishings. Here are a few of the technical details to be met for this types of corporate events:


  • A clear, clean sound system for speeches and presentations.
  • First-rate image projection system.
  • Microphones for speakers and panelists.
  • Suitable lighting for the overall space, and to enhance the presentations.
  • Reliable Internet connection to share documents and on-line presentations.
  • Video-conference or live streaming system for anyone joining remotely.
  • A recording system to create a record of the meeting for future reference.
  • Furniture and technology suited to the specific needs of the meeting (for example, electronic voting systems, touchscreens, etc.).

These are just a few examples of the technical details to bear in mind when planning a business meeting. The list for your event may differ, depending on the size and complexity of the meeting, and your specific needs.

  • Trade fairs and exhibitions


Trade fairs and exhibitions are types of corporate events where products, services and technologies are exhibited to potential customers and competitors


These events can be a good opportunity to do networking and promote your brand.

Consider the layout of the spaces, and remember that the audiovisual technology you use should be efficient and reliable enough to make your products stand out:

    • Functional exhibition stands with optimal design.
    • Top-quality, highly-visible screens.
    • Internet connectivity for exhibition stands.
    • Sound systems for presentations and demonstrations.

  • Product launches


Product launches are corporate or business events whose aim is to present a new product or service to a specific target group, such as customers, investors or the media. They should be visual and auditory spectacles, so you should bear in mind: 


New call-to-action

Company celebrations and parties

Company celebrations and parties are types of corporate events used to commemorate anniversaries, celebrate achievements or festivities, and are an excellent opportunity to strengthen the ties between staff and the organization, and also do some team building.

As occasions for enjoyment and socialization, implement the items on this check-list to create a warm and upbeat atmosphere: 

  • High-quality sound system for music and announcements.
  • Lighting to create different atmospheres, highlight specific areas, light the stage, food and drink service areas, etc.
  • Projection of images and videos for presentations and entertainment.
  • Suitable furniture and decoration for the event space and type of celebration.
  • Recording services to share a memento of the celebration with the attendees.

As shown, each corporate event type has different purposes, and requires a specific focus in terms of audiovisual technical planning and production.

Among many others, details of location, size, duration, theme and budget have to be considered.

In an event, remember that it’s important to work with audiovisual production professionals capable of helping you to effectively and efficiently plan and execute the technical production. This includes hiring a highly-skilled technical team and using top-tier equipment and technology. 

If you still have questions about choosing your audiovisual partner for your next event, we recommend the following video


Nueva llamada a la acción

In short, audiovisual production is a key part of organizing types of corporate events. Every event will have a different AV production approach, but it is always important to remember the quality of the sound, lighting and projection of images and videos. 


Nueva llamada a la acción


This article was first published in Novelty Spain, you can read the original Spanish version here.

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