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Optimize your event budget with virtual reality events AND 3d RENDERING


Virtual reality events have sparked a revolution in the event industry, providing numerous advantages. One well-kept secret is that leveraging these tools can result in significant cost savings and streamlined event planning efforts. Wondering how? Let's dive right in!


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Understanding Virtual Reality Events


Virtual reality events are immersive experiences that set in digital simulations. These events harness advanced technology to create lifelike and interactive environments for participants. Unlike traditional events, virtual reality events allow attendees to engage with the virtual environment and its elements in a first-person perspective.


By leveraging virtual reality through the AV technology, these events offer a unique and captivating experience that transports participants to virtual worlds enabling them to interact with virtual objects and characters. Virtual reality events have gained popularity across various industries, offering innovative and dynamic ways to engage audiences and create memorable experiences.


Why Virtual Reality (VR) for Events is Compelling


Virtual Reality Events offer numerous advantages over traditional events:

  1. Immersive experience: VR provides a realistic and engaging experience, making participants feel physically present in a virtual environment.
  2. Accessibility and convenience: VR events can be accessed remotely, eliminating travel and logistical constraints for attendees.
  3. Enhanced interactivity: VR allows for active interaction with virtual objects and other attendees, fostering collaboration and networking.
  4. innovation and engagement: VR events offer a unique and exciting experience, generating buzz and attracting attendees.
  5. Versatility and customizability: VR platforms can be tailored to specific event needs, incorporating branding elements and interactive features.
  6. Cost-effectiveness: Virtual events can be cost-effective, eliminating expenses related to physical venues, travel, and accommodation.
  7. Analytics and data insights: VR platforms provide valuable data on attendee behavior and preferences, informing future event planning and personalization.


Leveraging Virtual Reality for Space Planning


Selecting the ideal event space can be challenging, considering technical requirements, lighting, sound, video, scenography, furniture, and the number of attendees. However, visualizing the entire infrastructure in a 3D virtual project empowers you to make informed decisions.


By applying rendering and virtual reality to events, you can determine the optimal space capacity, furniture arrangement, technical equipment placement and even staff positioning. This ensures a seamless and efficient event setup.


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Creating a Virtual Reality Project


Creating virtual reality events relies on rendering, a crucial element. Whenever possible, ask the client for key information in order to create the rendering of the virtual reality events. You can ask about things like where it will be held, the design of the scenography, how the attendees are distributed, corporate livery or logos, and so on.


Once you have defined the project, digital drawing becomes pivotal. Modeling the project at real or 1:1 scale ensures accurate photometry adjustments, resulting in a true-to-reality product. 



Floor plan & CAD drawing

Novelty Spain 3D Rendering

3D Rendering

Novelty Spain Event

Event real image



Essential Tools for Rendering Virtual Reality Events


Rendering virtual reality events, at Novelty Spain, requires specialized hardware, including GPU workstations , equipped with state-of-the-art video gaming technology, and HTC Vive Pro virtual headsets with ample working space (at least 30 m²). The software used includes Unreal Engine, Visual Studio, and the Steam platform.


Enhanced Communication with Partners and Clients Through Virtual Reality Events


“98% of events can be planned with greater clarity thanks to rendering of the space and virtual reality.” Therefore, using an audiovisual partner offering rendering and virtual simulations for virtual reality events is crucial. 


These tools ensure alignment between the client, the partner, and you, resulting in precise and effective decision-making. Rendering can help answer critical questions like:


  • Where would the walkway fit best?

  • Does the lighting cover the entire space?

  • Will there be enough space to set up and deploy all the catering staff and equipment?

  • Will the air conditioning unit bother anyone there? 


All of these things (and many more) can be visualized before the actual event, guaranteeing a smooth execution.


3 Ways Event Organizers Utilize VR to Elevate Events


Event planners incorporate virtual reality (VR) in several ways to enhance and elevate the attendee experience. Here are some of the most common ways in which virtual reality is utilized in event planning:


1. Virtual Exhibitions and Trade Shows


VR recreates exhibition experiences, allowing attendees to virtually visit booths, interact with products, and have real-time conversations with exhibitors, creating a similar experience to physical events without the need for travel. 


2. Immersive Presentations and Performances


With VR, event planners can create immersive presentations, such as product launches and performances, providing visually captivating and interactive content delivery. 


3. Hybrid Events


Event planners often incorporate VR into hybrid events, which combine both physical and virtual components. Virtual reality can bridge the gap between in-person and remote attendees, allowing virtual participants to experience the event in a more engaging and immersive way.


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