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Corporate events: 4 technical recommendations to make yours a success

Corporate events: 4 technical recommendations to make yours a success


Holding successful corporate events as a corporate event planner requires a great deal of experience and knowledge. However, there are four technical tips that will make it easier for you to succeed in your corporate events. Don’t miss them!


What are corporate events?


A corporate event is a gathering whose main purpose is to communicate and convey a company’s image and principles, its areas of activity, mission or even its future vision (new innovation projects, for example). Corporate events can be internal, that is, only for staff, shareholders or partners; or external, for customers, potential partners or other companies. 


Learn more: 10 basic tips for organizing corporate events


Every corporate event is unique, and bases its format on the goal, target audience, philosophy and mission of the company putting it on. Seen this way, a corporate event can take the shape of a workshop, congress, panel of experts, webinar or many other things.


4 technical recommendations for your corporate event


Now that we have defined it and identified some of its traits, we’ll discuss four areas to take into account for all the corporate events that you hold.


The following four tips will help you plan a perfect technical circuit to ensure your corporate event is a complete success. 


1. Define your target audience and goal


As said, not all corporate events are alike. This means that in order to determine the type of event to be held, and the necessary parts of it, your first step is to define the goals to be achieved and the audience who will attend.


You can design a corporate event, for example, with team-building activities, to strengthen the connection and relationships among your team members, or an entirely different one to attract more investors to your business. Both are corporate events, but the design and technical needs of each will be different. 


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2. Stay consistent with your brand image


At corporate events, every detail matters. This means that each of the elements and the technical personnel on site should be loyal and consistent with the image of the organizing brand.


Scenography Design, Audiovisual Content for events, catering, lighting, signage and merchandising must all be connected with the values and messages of the trademark. The event in its entirety must convey unity and consistency.


3. Generate the right space

An event that is held, for example, in a five-star hotel will need top-quality materials, decoration and content. In such case, it will be important to generate an atmosphere of elegance and exclusivity. 


Learn more: Choosing the best hotel to hold your events: 5 key questions


However, a more informal event held outdoors or in an industrial building could leave AV equipment visible, in the open. This can bring a greater degree of naturalness to the event, as long as it seems like an attractive idea. 


This is just one example of the importance of adapting technical resources to the event space and needs of the customer. Choosing suppliers prepared to provide the best-suited resources for each type of corporate event is vital.


4. Be professional and work as a team


In the words of industrialist Henry Ford, “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”


When it comes to setting up corporate events it is important that your team be marked by its discretion, courtesy and drive. Demonstrating a sense calm and professionalism is key for an event of these characteristics.


Remember that corporate events are more formal and professional than other types of events. 


However, any event requires appropriate amounts of preproduction, plans, checklists, time-lines, briefings, follow-up meetings, task distribution, and especially, contingency plans for any technical problem or issue that could arise. 


Although there are many factors to bear in mind when organizing corporate events, don’t forget that the most important task is to provide your customer with professional, efficient service. Follow these four technical recommendations and enjoy your corporate event! 


Let's create together an impactful corporate event!

Nueva llamada a la acción


This article was first published in Novelty Spain, you can read the original Spanish version here.

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