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Stage automation: surprising the audience at your next event

Whenever you have an audience before a stage, piquing their interest as things get started is always a challenge. You can use stage automation techniques to catch and hold your viewers’ attention at an event, as well as to generate expectations, surprises, and much more.


This article will tell you more about the possibilities offered by stage automation and the PSN protocol. 


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The power of stage automation


Stage automation will help you prepare breakthrough presentations. For example, the speaker or artist takes centre stage, surrounded by lights, projections and decor all synchronized to perfectly create the desired effect.


At Novelty Spain, we design and create movement on-stage, providing the technical support you need for video, lighting and event artist’s performances, thanks to our stage automation equipment, techniques and machinery. We have the tools and AV technology necessary to enable any movement imaginable.


You may be interested to see this video on stage automation in a visual form:


Stage automation is at the forefront of the world’s biggest, most complex event productions. This technology guarantees that the most sophisticated presentations can come off at the push of a button.


Instead of stage staff or event technicians manually moving and overseeing stage elements, the automated stage is computer-controlled, giving operators the power to design any number of highly replicable and reliable movements for each presentation, speech or activity of the event.


Stage automation techniques


  • Servomotors enable elevation movements of high-precision, even in parameters such as speed and positioning.
  • Trolleys and rotors empower you to move and turn structures in a matter of seconds.
  • Operators can send all the information to the machines through the interfaces.

The added value of this system is the PSN through which useful information can be transmitted to the entire staff in real time, for all of them to be synchronized and create the perfect effect.


The interaction of the PSN system with the light and video brings an entirely new creative dimension to events, by building a direct link between movement orders and the technical staff.

New call-to-action


We are no longer referring to “structures in movement” and adapting the light and video to those movements, but a real link among all of the systems. Our MA desks and SMODE servers can receive and analyse positioning data to convert and correct settings for lights, screens and images in real time. It could be said that this is a whole new spectrum of effects for lighting and video professionals.


We also have the power to work easily on 3D simulations and screens in our design offices using the WYSIWYG studio, to generate cost savings while broadening the creative possibilities. We offer comprehensive service, including planning, installation, usage, safe handling and maintenance for each of these systems.


Stage automation safety


Modern stage automation systems have high-level integrated security features. What’s more, the automation operator has easy access to an emergency stop button, which means that the system will stop moving instantly in case of any difficulty.

There are also emergency stop buttons at other places where issues could arise, such as elevating platforms, or at heights if rigging elements are being used.


Not only that, the automation operator has access to several closed-circuit monitors and screens, giving them the ability to see every part of the system and ensure that the event is running smoothly.


As you’ve probably gathered from this article, the possibilities are limitless. At Novelty Spain, we look forward to bringing your next great idea to life!


Nueva llamada a la acción



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This article was first published in Novelty Spain, you can read the original Spanish version here.

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