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6 tips to optimize a product launch at an event

Written by Marina Calabuig | Apr 20, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Looking to organize a product launch for your company and don’t know where to begin? Follow these 6 tips to map out a solid strategy and maximize your market impact!


A product launch is a very important event type for a company. Bringing it off successfully can really make a difference in terms of market impact and sales. Throughout the year, thousands of product launches are held, but only 10% of the products presented end up being successful.


Though the statistics may not be encouraging, this post will show you six tips to place yours among the year’s TOP 10 successful launch events!


1. Define your budget and goals beforehand


Any product launch strategy begins with a good definition of your goals and budget. What do you want to achieve with this launch? What’s your budget?


The answers to these two questions will define the development of the event, and enable you to set out the actions, dynamics and activities of your act, as well as the audience who will be in attendance.


At this stage, putting together a list of guests will help you conceptualize the event. This means that you will have to choose which people may be interested in the product launch and furthermore, can help you meet the goals you have set. 


This first step is key to developing a road map for your event, so make sure you define it well. If not, you may get some unexpected results.


2. Study the date closely to ensure attendance


Your product launch may be extraordinary, but if you celebrate it on the same date as other events that matter to your audience, it may end up a failure. 


When you set the date for your product launch, it is important to make sure it doesn’t fall on a holiday or in a vacation period, or coincide with another event or act that could undermine attendance. 


Choosing the date may not seem that important, but make no mistake: you have to pay careful attention to it. Don’t take unnecessary risks!


3. Choose the venue and decoration best-suited to your product


The event venue where you hold your product launch should be the right size for the number of guests. In other words, neither too large nor too small. What’s more, the venue should make it easy for you to perform the actions or activities you’ve designed for the launch. 


Remember that brand, and above all, product are at the centre of your event. In that way, decoration, lighting and other accessories can help you create an atmosphere and focus all the attention where you want it to be.


Decorating the space is important to guarantee a positive experience that will make attendees remember the product launched. 


4. Creating the right atmosphere


One essential element at your event will be the atmosphere in which your audience is immersed. Here it’s a good idea to consider several technical details that can turn your venue into one kind of place or another.



If you want to focus 100% of your audience’s attention on the product being launched, we recommend you use neutral lighting to avoid altering its colours. This will help you make the product stand out and shine with its own light. 


However, if you would like to create an atmosphere that connects audience members with a specific theme or feeling associated with the launch, lighting resources can help you achieve that.


Remember, you can use lighting effects at specific times to grab viewers’ attention. And you don’t have to limit it to the product alone. Include your audience in the light show to turn them into active participants!


This video will help you learn more about lighting and sound in events:




Sound is also key to creating the right atmosphere. It is essential that the product presentation speech (if there is one) reach all attendees with the same acoustic pressure, and that the sound be clean and uniform. If you’re working with live music or other elements of ambient sound, it is also important for it to be immersive. 


Here, too, it can be a good idea to implement effects that make the audience feel like part of the show. Not only that, pay special attention to speakers’ microphones to ensure their message is conveyed effectively. Remember that it will all require a prior study of the space to prevent power cuts, interference, echo, reverberation, etc.


Video and other visual resources


We can use visual resources such as presentations, to disseminate the content or support an oral presentation. To do so, we recommend you use a LED screen or large-format projectors, so that your guests don’t miss a single detail of your product. 


Remember that for proper recording, you’ll need professional-grade cameras plus an expert, qualified crew to operate them



5. Let your imagination soar


Creativity and imagination play vital roles in a product launch. Arousing emotion, and appealing to their feelings are two things you can do to win over the audience. Don’t overlook storytelling! Use your ingenuity to come up with and design a unique experience that envelops your product launch. The more original it is, the easier it will be to remember the product. 


For example, take your event a step further with 3D and augmented reality. New technologies empower you to create digital models to show the entire product, and each of its individual parts. This gives you the capability to assemble and disassemble the product as you make the presentation.


It’s a resource that can really help your speakers as they give their presentations. Augmented reality enables speakers to interact with the product to a greater degree and give detailed explanations on specific parts.



6. Create a media strategy


Make the most of new technology! Prepare a good marketing strategy to communicate and publicize all the details of your event both before and after the celebration. 


Depending on your target public, clearly define what media outlets you want to be present in, to draw up a solid PR strategy that will help you publicize your event. Also, choose the social media platforms you want to be present on to begin preparing content that will help you promote the event. 


Remember that these communication channels and social media are like loudspeakers that can be useful assets to grow the impact and notoriety of your event.


Summing up, if you intend to introduce your new product to the market, these six tips are the first step to begin shaping your product launch strategy.


Market research, defining clear goals, segmentation of the target, coming up with a key message and choosing the right channels to reach your audience are the key elements that will enable you to successfully launch your product.


Don’t forget how important it is to measure the results of your launch efforts to adjust and improve your strategy going forward. If you follow these recommendations, and make the necessary adjustments as you progress, you’ll be on the path to a successful launch for your product!




This article was first published in Novelty Spain, you can read the original Spanish version here.