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Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Novelty Group, AV Partner at the Conference in Paris

The Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, also known as VIPARIS, welcomed, from March 19-22, 2024, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's flagship conference, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe.


Novelty Group, Audiovisual Partner at the Leading Open Source and Cloud Native Conference


With a record attendance of 12,000 attendees, the event aimed to foster the advancement of Cloud Native Computing and achieved it with the same grandiosity with which its community of "Open Source" and "Cloud Native" technologists gains followers around the world.


Novelty Spain was the audiovisual partner of choice for Tantalus Productions & The Linux Foundation in the eighth edition of the conference in Europe. The exponential growth of the event since the first celebration in 2015 is not only reflected in the increased audience and the size of the event, but also in the level of demand in audiovisual technical production.


Novelty Group’s Role as AV Partner in KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe.

This year, unlike in previous editions, we have worked in synergy with Novelty Paris and other Novelty-Magnum-Dushow Group companies to support the impressive event with the creation of a senior production and technical production team from both countries, successfully merging the structure, operation and experience of almost 50 years in all phases of the project, from pre-production to the flawless execution of the technological event held in Paris.


Watch the magic of the audiovisual technical production behind the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Plenary, from the realistic 3D Rendering to the final result.

Source: Novelty Spain


All the state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment needed for the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe set-up was supplied from the Group's different and strategically located warehouses, which together make up the most extensive in-house audiovisual technical stock in Europe.


The KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe stage was made possible thanks to a collaboration of two Group companies: Magnum, recognized VIPARIS official supplier, that was in charge of the entire rigging project and On Stage that brought to life a large structure designed specifically to support the imposing LED screen, 36 meters wide by 6 meters high, which stood as the main protagonist of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Plenary.


Exceptional engineering and collaboration between the Group's companies was highlighted, ensuring an unparalleled visual experience for all attendees.


KubeCon 1

Source: Novelty Spain


KubeCon 2

Source: Novelty Spain


KubeCon 3

Source: Novelty Spain


KubeCon 4

Source: Novelty Spain


Upgrading the conference experience with AV technical know-how and technology

Having mentioned the technical aspects, hidden from view but fundamental to the success of the event, let's look at the elements that made the difference in an event that sought to transmit information, educate and captivate its demanding public.


At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, visitors were able to attend different sessions divided by themes and specific objectives, according to their interests and experience.


Novelty Spain was in full charge of the of Plenary design, taking on the challenge of creating a keynote for outstanding speakers from companies such as Google, Meta or Nvidia, and for its 8,000 attendees, in a room with a height of just 7 meters.


Kubecon 6

Photo Source: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation event.


KubeCon 7

Photo Source: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation event.


Engaging participants with stunning LED display, powerful sound system and lighting design

Thanks to a 216 square meter LED screen, a powerful audio system that amplified the voice of the most influential speakers in the tech world and a lighting design with more than 180 fixtures, the audiovisual technical production ensured a smooth experience even for the most complex topics in each of the 3 Plenary sessions, all with full capacity.


From the main stage to the 25 sub-plenaries-breakouts that hosted more than 90 conferences during the 4 days of the event, we managed the operation of all the event spaces.


KubeCon 8

Photo Source: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation event.


KubeCon 9

Photo Source: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation event.


Impact on event success at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 made history, not only because of the excellent results of the conference and the innovations presented during the days of engaging learning, but also because it demonstrated, once again, why the Novelty-Magnum-Dushow Group is the leader in 360º audiovisual services throughout Europe, reaffirming its strong commitment to offer the same know-how, service excellence and high quality material anywhere in the world.


Kubecon 2024, Novelty Spain

Source: Novelty Spain


Partnering with Novelty Spain for Your Event

While KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe converges cutting-edge technologies and innovation in the cloud computing industry, Novelty Spain shares the same mission in the events and audiovisual technical production sector.


No technical, creative or geographical barriers

to make your event spectacular.

I want an AV quote for my large-scale event

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